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Literally hundreds of worthy organizations need your scrilla. This list focuses on the CRUSHING-THE -MIDTERMS-groups-that-need-money and have the bandwidth to absorb and use it quickly. Here are 14 critical ones:

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Gets money to the most effective, most underfunded, and most ignored grassroots campaigns. Your money is WELL SPENT here.

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Focuses on the most flippable house seats. Well-organized and effective.

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A powerful grassroots organizations with boots on the ground to empower Black voters.

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Democrats win when they vote. Laser focused on getting Democrats to the polls for progressive candidates .

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Fighting to take back state legislatures for progressives. They have flippable state houses in their sights. Effective!

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Recruits young progressives to run for office, mentors them & provides volunteers. Focused, thoughtful, successful.

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Focused on the most critical part of an election: Getting Democrats to the polls. Election strategy based on data & behavioral science.

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A wonderful newsletter spotlighting progressive Democrats.The link is to their Act Blue donation page.

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Expands voting rights by electing ethical Secretaries of State, who control the voting process.

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Yes, there actually are things to do in California. Like flip all 14 Republican House seats. An excellent grassroots group.

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Almost 3 $$$BILLION$$$ raised for progressive causes.You can donate to hundreds of causes and candidates on their website.

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Send a message to the racist, vote-stealing Republicans in Georgia: Give some scrilla to STACY ABRAMS for Governor

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The racist, vote-stealing Republicans in North Dakota need to know the whole country is watching: Chip in to Heidi Heitkamp for US Senate.

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The Repubs are in full freakout in Nevada: money here makes all the difference in that Senate race: Chip in!


Your Suggestion HERE

Reserved for 1 more worthy candidate or organization.